Monday, August 07, 2006


Good evening, Well I had another good day today. My roommate has finally got the picture to leave me alone :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) I think someone "We" know read my blog and directed her their:):):):):):) No hard feelings Minnie It's just that oil and water do not mix! This morning I moved my computer into my room instead of the kitchen. For 2 reasons. 1) the only air conditioner in the house is in my room, And 2) privacy...Enough for tonight I'll write more in the morning...

...Good morning :) I slept Great last night:) Finally it's my Friday:) I only get one day off, then I'll work another 3 days then I'll get another. It is 3:47 In the morning here :) I love waking up early. It's so quiet, peaceful and it gives me time to prepare for the day.
Some times I still suffer from Mr. Hydes thinking patterns. I suppose this will go away or change with hard work and with time. One of the managers where I work, who I'll call Ms. S, She is also in recovery and can appreciate New qualities displayed in my behavior. Some times I suffer from distractions like I'm worthless or I'm a shitty worker or I'm not fast enough...e.t.c. Yesterday towards the end of my day I was lagging behind and I needed help so common sense said that I should ask! So I asked. No big deal. It was easy! Boy Ms. S was amazed that I asked for help. She showered me with many compliments and said over all that it is nice to see someone who knows when they need help and asks for it! She also said that usually "Most" people Just remain quiet and sink with the ship! I think that Knowing when you need help is the beginning...Hey that's step one:) I get it:) woo hoo now I can move on to step two:) :) :) I love the proverbial light bulb :) Ok enough for now have a good day all...


dAAve said...

I am powerless over everything, everything, I tell you ... except my behavior.

Shannon said...

right on G! sounds like you are getting 'it'
and I agree with daave!
sorry we didnt get to stop by this weekend,we were soo busy... thanks for the invite thought
have a great daay!

SoberHere said...

Hi Greg, you're doing a really nice job with your blog. I want to start one soon. Take care!

Gooey Munster said...

I still struggle with this, asking for help. However slowly I am realizing that it is not a burden to others. In many cases, others get a wonderful feeling in helping others out.

Alcoholic Brain said...

I think, therefore, I don't...