Sunday, September 10, 2006

As requested

An almost clean room...

What is this thing? How do I use it?

Put your right foot in. Put your right foot out, and shake it all about.

A clean room...

Woo Hoo:):) It's finally clean:):):) I feel so much better. My best friend came in and thought he had walked into the wrong house. LOL.
Thakns Gwen. I was going to put off the step between an almost clean room and a clean room.


Alcoholic Brain said...

Sa-weet! Have a good day Greg!

Trudging said...

Is that a stuff dino I see?

Greg said...

yes his name is dewey duck. He's a dino but he thinks he's a duck :):):)

Unknown said...

YAY YAYAyyyyy!!!! I see the floor!!! Now you can get some plants? Maybe a fish? I am so happy for you! You MUST feel soooooo much better?