Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A good day

It has been a good day today. I should have rested much more on my 3 1/2 days off because in the next ten days I have only one day off and I will end up working...72 1/2 hours :) :) :) :):):):):) I LOVE $$$. Good night all. See ya' all in the morning...


Alcoholic Brain said...

Cunning, bafling, powerful. It's cool that you can recognize when your brain is in "attack mode." Keep writing, you will do well...

Mary Christine said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I put a link to your blog on mine. Keep Blogging...there is a great sober blogging community. Welcome!

kel said...

I am the mom of a 17 year old who has been abusing drugs and alcohol, and he is currently in a rehab program. I like to read the blogs of other alcoholics and addicts to gain a little insight etc. Your words are strong and shed a lot of light on how my son son must feel while fighting this beast. Feel free to stop by my blog and leave a comment. Welcome and good luck.

Gooey Munster said...

Hi there and a Big Ole WELCOME!!!

I am reading up on you and hope that you stay here with us and discover this additional beauty of connecting by jouranling.

SO many times I am too busy to read, but these beautiful recovery bloggers post bits and pieces of spiritual guidance and share their life that helps me to adjust to life on life's terms.

I am gonna link you up on my blog and keep in tune. I pray for you, thank you for starting your blog and visitng some of us!

jake said...

Welcome!! and i hope you stay to share your journey with us...D

lash505 said...

Rest is importanto.

Shannon said...

well Greg... I am shannon a fellow recovering alcoholic, and mary christine sent me over to say hey
HEY!!! come and check us out...

Shannon said...

OH hey as I was backing out... I see you are a Washingtonian...
ME TOO!!! and I will be up in Levenworth this weekend with my hubby and a bunch of other sober alkys... we should come by your club... come over to my blog and let me know

Anonymous said...

Hi Greg,
I heard there was a new kid in town,
The recovery bloggers out here are
awesome,kick ass,wiser,humble and darn funny ta-boot sometimes.
Hope you enjoy the experience.
Thanks for sharing ~